work from home, how you can earn 3 lakh rupees per month by packing only 15 kg with these 4 big companies of India
Hello Friends ... Welcome to this series of WORK FROM HOME, if you want to earn millions of rupees every month by working from home, then you have come to the right place, this post is for those people who want to do something in life, In this post, today we will tell you how you can earn millions of rupees every month by working with 4 big companies of India, that too by working from your home, WORK FROM HOME. Friends, you know these four big companies very well or say that they are the whole of India, these four companies have names. AMAZON FLIPKART SNAPDEAL INDIAMART You have to work with all four companies, What to do: 1. You have to pack 25 grams, 50 grams and 100 grams of pouches of BLUE TEA, 2. You need to make 250 gram, 500 gram and 1 kg packets of GREEN COFFEE. 3. You have to pack small paper bags of GREEN TEA and at the same time you have to pack 50 gram and 100-gram bags (pouches). How to packing: For packing friends, you can take zipper polythene BAG and print your brand