
Showing posts from October 1, 2023

live Ipo details -Karnika industries ltd -Plada infotech services- Plaza wires ltd - Sharp chucks and machines ltd - Vishnusurya projects and infra ltd -

  Karnika industries ltd  ipo fixed price issue of Rs: 25.07 CR The issue is entirely a fresh issue of 32.99 Lakh Share IPO beginning Date: 29 /09/2023 IPO Close date: 05/10/2023 IPO Price: 76 Minimum lot size: 1600 Share Face value: 10  Basic allotment: 10/10/2023 Initiations of Refunds: 11/10/2023 Credit of Share: 12/10/2023 Listing Date: 13/10/2023 Company Financial amount in lakh                      Year 2021                              Year 2022                    Year 2023 Asset                                      3055.87                                  5921.42                      10071.04 Revenue                                 4779.31                                  9892.52                      12605.62 Profit after Tax                      81.61                                       454.01                        826.74  Net worth                              378.14                                     1860.88                     1806.83 T