What is Meta Tag. How to Generate Meta Tags, How to Add Meta Tag to Blog and Website.?
What is Meta Tag. How to Generate Meta Tags, How to Add Meta Tag to Blog and Website. If you are a blogger then you must know what is Meta Tag. Why is it important to have Meta Tag in Blog/website. If you have just started blogging and you do not know what is Meta Tag, why is Meta Tag necessary in Blog/website and how to code HTML of Meta Tag in Blog. So there is no need to worry, I will tell you in this article what is Meta Tag. Why Meta Tag is necessary for Blog / Website website and how to put HTML Code of Meta Tag in Blog / Website. Read the complete article to get the information. What is Meta Tag? How to Generate How to Add Meta Tag to Blog What is Meta Tag? What is Meta Tag in English language Meta Tag tells the Seach Engine that about the blog, it tells about what topic our blog is on. Seach Engine indexes our blog / website accordingly. Key Features of Meta Tag What is the title of our blog? What is the description of our blog. Which country is our blog from?