Start Your Business In just 10k rupees and earn 1 lakh 45k every month for lief time , work from home
Hello Friends ... Friends, today we are going to tell you about a business that you can start from your home in a very short time and the best time to start this business, this is a business that runs for 12 months. Is, and will never end. Also, to start it, you do not need any machine and do not need any labor, Friends, we are talking about Raisins and Munnakka's business, you can easily make them at your home, How to make Kissamis and Raisins at home: Friends, both raisins and raisins are made by drying the grapes, for Kissamis you can take small towns which give Raisins you 30 rupees a kg, and to make raisins, you have to take big or long grapes and these grapes are ripe perfectly. You should get these, you will get them in the market for 35 to 40 kg, if you take 50 kg or 100 kg then you will get cheaper, If you dry them directly in the sun after cleaning them, they are made in 4 to 5 days and if you want to boil them you can boil them for only 3 to 4 minutes, or you can say th