What is On Page Seo in English ! How to do On Page Seo For your Website . ?

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What is On Page Seo in English ! How to do On Page Seo For your Website .

People who do blogging keep searching in Google Utube. Key Key On Page Seo in Hindi, What is on page seo in hindi, What is Search Engine Optimization. How does it work? Why is On Page Seo important? Why should you do On Page Seo? If you are also searching these things in Google. Then you want to know what is On Page SEO then you are at the right place. In this article, complete information about On Page Seo has been given. So let's start the article.

In this article of On Page Seo in Hindi, first of all we have to know, what is Seo, after that we will know what is On Page Seo. How many types of Seo are there.

Contents of Table

1 what is Seo

2 How many types of Seo are there?

2.1 On Page Seo

2.2 Off Page Seo

3 Off Page Seo ki Jaankari in Hindi

4 What is On Page Seo in Hindi

Why is it important to do 5 On Page Seo?

Benefits of doing 6 On Page Seo.

How to do 7 On Page Seo. Tips 2021

7.1 Attractive Title

7.2 Points to keep in mind –

7.3 Seo Friendly Url.

7.4 Points to keep in mind

7.5 Meta Description –

7.6 Points to keep in mind –

7.7 Content quality should be good.

7.8 Tips to Write Quality Content –

7.9 Image has to be optimized.

7.10 Points to keep in mind –

7.11 Internal link is to be given in the post.

7.12 Outbound Link

7.13 How many words should the post be?

What is Seo 

Search Engine Optimization is such a way that we can bring any of our blog posts to the first page in the rank of Google without spending ₹ 1. It is not a magic that why you did this to your blog or your blog post and it immediately started ranking on the first page of Google. Rather, it is done gradually. First of all we know how Google accesses your website. Google is a search engine where people search by entering their keywords.

Suppose someone searches what is a computer, then the search engine sees the index website inside itself. The website in which this keyword will be there, what is the computer. Shows those websites that have this keyword on the first page of the search result. Google has kept some criteria to come in the first page in the results of google search. Because Google doesn't have any data. Rather the website which will rank on Google. Many website articles people have posted on Google. Google's criteria. On a website, it is very easy to show the blog post in the first page.

Some people think that Seo is some magic. There is nothing like this, but we have to write the post according to the criteria of Google. So that Google can easily understand our post.

How many types of Seo are there?

Before knowing about Seo, we should know how many types of Seo are there. You will get the answer of your question in this article. How many types of seo are there? There are types of Seo 02.

On Page Seo

Off Page Seo

We will read about On Page Seo in this article. If you also want articles on Off Page Seo, then tell in the comment. We will definitely write articles on Off Page Seo to help you in blogging. Before proceeding with the article, I want to give you brief information about off page seo, stay with us in the article to get the information.

Off Page Seo Information

In this article I will tell you what is Off Page Seo as you must have heard that backlinks are created in Off Page seo. We will try to know that only creating backlinks is Off Page Seo. Apart from this, something else also happens in off page seo.

What does Off Page Seo mean? We work for our website outside our website for the promotion of our website. It is called off page seo. A question arises in front of us, what are the things that we do outside the website for the promotion of our website. Flow is like this.

    Creating Backlinks.

    Increasing Domain Authority.

    Self Made Links

    Natural Links

    Social Media Sharing

    Guest Posting

    List Local Business Directories

    List Website Question & Answer site

What is On Page Seo in Hindi

Taking the article forward, now we talk about On Page Seo, as it is known from the title itself that information about On Page Seo has been given in this article. But with this I also thought it necessary to give you information about Off Page Seo overview. Now we talk about On Page Seo, read the article completely to get the information, in this article you have been given accurate and complete information about On Page seo.

What is On Page Seo? This will be our first question, what are the things that come in the On Page Seo factor. You will get the answer of all the questions etc. in this article. Whatever work we do inside our website in On Page Seo. Where is On Page from him? What factors do in On Page Seo, we will discuss them further. If we do On Page Seo well then many posts and websites are easily ranked in Google. That's why On Page Seo plays an important role in ranking the website and blog. How to do on Page seo Now let's talk about that topic.

Why is it important to do On Page Seo?

Even after reading the article, you must have come to know what is on Page Seo. Now after this we need to know why it is necessary to do On Page Seo. On Page Seo we should not have done it.

The search engine is understood by On Page Seo. On what topic is this blog on our website? And on which keyword post this website is to be ranked.

Benefits of doing On Page Seo.

There are many benefits to our website by doing on-page SEO, those benefits are as follows.

    Website ranks easily in search engines.

    Website or blog post is organic traffic increase.

    Website is made User Friendly.

    The user spends more time on the website.

How to do On Page Seo. Tips 2021

Many factors work in On Page Seo. If you follow all the factors well. Only then you can do ON PAGE SEO of your post well. And only then your post can rank in Google. The flowing factor is the following.

    Attractive Title.

    Seo Friendly Url

    Meta Description

    Content quality should be good.

    Optimize the image.

    Internal link has to be given in the post.

    Outbound Link

    How many words should the post be?

Attractive Title

Title is the life of your blog post. The more attractive your title is, the more traffic there are chances of visiting the website. Therefore, whenever you select the title, you have to try that your Blog Post Title is Attractive.

Things to keep in mind -

Things to keep in mind -

    Title should be short and attractive, use catchy words.

    Your main keyword should be in the title, the probability of post rank is high.

    Your title should contain at most 13 words.

Seo Friendly Url.

Seo Friendly Url plays an important role to rank any post. The search engine recognizes your blog post from the Seo Friendly Url itself. By having a seo friendly url, the search engine knows what topic your blog post is on. Url is also called as permalink.

things to keep in mind

    Be short words and attractive.

    Your man keyword should be in the url.

    (-) is to be used.

    Use lowercase letter only.

Meta Description –

Meta Description is a short description of our blog post. You have to tell Google briefly what topic your blog post is on. Which makes it easier for Google to understand your post. While writing Meta Description, you have to take care of many things which are as follows.

Things to keep in mind -

    Your Meta Description should be of 145 -160 words.

    You should try other keywords along with the man keyword in Meta Description.

    Meta description should also be on the same topic on which your content is.

    Make the meta description attractive so that when you share the post on social media, the visitor is forced to open the post.

Content quality should be good.

Content is King in the field of blogging. What have you done on your blog so far? It has been done to promote that content, let's say if any of your posts got ranked. If it does not have good quality content, then the reader leaves your post and closes the website immediately, then the bonus back rate to your website increases. Due to which the rank of your website goes down.

Tips to Write Quality Content –

    Readers have to keep in mind while writing the post.

    Use good images.

    You should have complete knowledge of the topic on which you are writing the post.

    The trust of Audince has to be maintained so that whenever you enter the next time post, then definitely read it.

Optimize the image.

Having an image in any post makes the post more attractive. Sometimes we have to take the help of image to understand our post. Along with putting the image in the post, it has to be optimized. so that our image can be seo friendly

Things to keep in mind -

    The image has to be compressed so that the size of the image can be reduced.

    Relative iamge from post has to be put in the post only.

    Alt Text is to be used in the image. Due to which it is easy for the search engines to understand the image.

    Caption has to be given in the image, so that the visitor knows what the image is about.

Internal link has to be given in the post.

The meaning of internal link in the post is to give a link to your own blog post in any of your other posts. By doing internal link, our website then blog post has many benefits.

    Internal links help to crawl and index posts.

    The Bone Back Rate of the website remains low.

    By inserting internal links, the chances of increasing the page view increase.

    Have to use Anchor Text.

    Helps in On Page Seo of your post.

Outbound Link

Like internal links, outbound links also prove to be helpful in our website ranking factor. If we give outbound link to any website from our post. So at that time we have to check the DA, PA, Spam Score of the website. If the DA, PA, of the website is low and the Spam Score is high, then that website does not have to give outbound links. This can have a negative impact on your website. You have always tried to give outbound links only to big websites like news website and Wikipedia. Due to which your website gets more chances to rank.

How many words should the post be?

It is a big question that how many words of post we should write which will rank in Google. By the way, the search engine approves 300 words. But you have to try That you write an article above 1000 words. This is again the article you are writing. So to see your competitor's post, write 3 times more words than that.

In the last words -

Today we learned that On Page Seo in Hindi, I have tried. That I can give you complete information relative to this article On Page Seo. I hope this article will help you in your blogging field. Stay tuned with our blog for such helpfull information.

Thank you so much for reading the article!!

tags :

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