Top 50 quotes for the life | good morning msg | Life changing quotes .


Focus is the scarcest resource in life…

Never allow anyone to get into your head you alone own that key. Give it out and you own no life…

The one who cheers you up always must be yourself. Be your very own biggest fan…

Weed has 0 benefits in your life. Negative ppl will only slow your thinking and lower your focus…

you better be a bold tester than a scared perfectionist…

Never let anything or anyone crush your self-confidence…

Indecision is worse than failure. Inaction is worst than making mistakes…

A focused fool can accomplish more than a distracted genius…

To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day…

Life is like a sandwich. whichever way you flip it, the bread comes first…

Stay in the mindset that you can always be a bigger, stronger, faster, and smarter version of your current self…

Practise standing up for yourself without getting emotionally worked up…

Happiness is abundant by design, scarce by luck…

Intelligence only gets your foot in the door. Discipline takes up the stairs…

True confidence needn’t be influenced by external conditions…

Health > Family > Wealth. Without the first two, the third is meaningless…

Nobody is too busy it is just a matter of priorities. Sooner you understand better you start living…

The world doesn’t care about your self esteem. Start doing something for yourself today…

The world doesn’t care about your self esteem. Start doing something for yourself today…

When you increase your skills, becoming wealthy is no longer about luck…

Learn to be present in other people’s lives, without becoming absent in your own…

Comfort makes you weaker. We need some variability, some stressors…

You can’t be loved by some without being hated by others…

Don’t let the entire staircase overwhelm you. Just focus on that first step…

You can’t become successful without helping other people. Every business in the world is helping someone…

Master your insecurities to get ahead at any game…

Our limitations are not in our intelligence but in our mindset and perception of experiences.

A man with no vision for his future will always return to his past…

The inconsistency ruins any success that consistency would have created

Don’t Compete with anyone else, Make them compete with you…

observe a happy medium between the ways of a sage and the ways of the world at large…

Anything that has the potential to improve your life involves risk. Embrace it.

Fear cannot consume a man whose only dread in life is being average...

Grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity of a person..

That which last long is not easily got, that which easily got does not last long..

Earn your rest tomorrow by doing extra today..

Emotional debt has buried more people than financial debt ever will...

Everything we do is in anticipation of the future. When that future comes, we simply reset to the next one..

Over of confidence and lack of confidence, both are extremely dangerous..

Time gives you the answers that your questions, efforts and impatience never could...

Have faith, hard experiences breed powerful minds..

You can’t accomplish much in any domain without disciplined implementation..

Sound of your conviction should be louder than other people's laughter...

Both poverty and riches are the offspring of your mindset.

We all make mistakes it's what we do next that matters most.

Success or riches, always come at a cost and sacrifices you make.

Nothing is more harming to your productivity than the desire for immediate result...

Your value resides within. Nothing external can add or diminish your worth..

People ask you what you do for a living so that they can decide the level of respect to give you..

The courage to be happy also includes the courage to be disliked...

Never downgrade your dream to fit the reality glove.

You should need people who remind you more of your future than your past...

It’s better to invest more in your first best idea than your tenth best idea..

If you persist, you resist. And if you fight, winning it's only a matter of time...

Feeling fine and at peace within you is the ultimate success...

Every challenge, hard time, and pain you endure will turn into Strength, resilience and Blessings...







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