अच्छा और बुरा समय आने से पहले मिलते है ये शंकेत , प्रकर्ति पहले ही बता देती है सब कुछ -These doubts are met before good and bad times, nature already tells everything

 इस पोस्ट में आप जानेंगे की जब आपका अच्छा समय आने वाला होता है तब आपको प्रकर्ति हमें कुछ संकेत देती है जिससे आप जान सकते है की आपका अच्छा समय शुरू होने वाला है , उससे पहले आपको कुछ ऐसे संकेत बताते है जो आपको ये बताएंगे की आप का बुरा समय शुरू होने वाला है , 

These doubts are met before good and bad times, nature already tells everything  In this post, you will know that when your good time is about to come, then nature gives you some signs by which you can know that your good time is about to start, before that it tells you some such signs which will tell you that you are bad times are about to begin, 1, If you want to feed something to cow, dog or fish, then they do not eat from your hand, this is the biggest sign of bad time to start. 2, Getting into an argument with a saint without any reason 3 , repeatedly sitting on the roof of the house 4 cat fight 5 Seeing eating sweets in dreams 6 , Seeing your marriage in the dream 7, Seeing yourself taking new clothes in the dream Etcetera  Now we know about 30 auspicious signs 1, White Cow: If the mother cow comes to the door of the house and starts speaking, then understand that good times are about to come. 2, Hearing of sweet sounds: If you hear the sound of temple bell, conch, aarti early in the morning 3, Appearance of newly married couple 4, Shreefal, i.e. vision of coconut 5 , bird beat on you 6, Dogs or monkeys were seen while traveling 7 , the appearance of the sun in the midst of the rain 8. A dry tree in your house turns green. 9 , cuckoo or chirping 10. Appearance of curd or milk in the morning 11 Seeing a white or golden snake in a dream 12. Bats, if they make a home in your house 13 , if the turtle is visible 14. The appearance of a falling star 15 Raising the trunk of the elephant at the door of the house 16, wearing the wrong clothes 17, Remembering to forget something as soon as you leave the house 18, find any coin, horse shoe, or four leaf grass lying on the way 19, dog staying at home 20. Solar of the Frog or the Grasshopper 21, Seeing sugarcane in the morning 22. The arrival of the peacock in the boundary of the house, and its dance 23 Finding pearls on the seashore 24, Solar sounding of crickets 25. Itching in the hands 26, Hearing the sound of sparrow at your house 27 The plant of the eye 28. If a white pigeon comes and sits in your house 29, If you suddenly get to see colorful butterflies 30, If you are going out of the house and you see a vessel filled with water or milk in someone's hand, These doubts are met before good and bad times, nature already tells everything

1 ,गाय , कुत्ते या मछली को आप कुछ खिलाना चाहते है तो वे आपके हाथ से नहीं खाते ,ये बुरा समय शुरू होने का सबसे बड़ा संकेत है 

2 , किसी साधु संत से बेबात ही बहस हो जाना 

3 , घर की छत पर बार बार कोए का आकर बैठना 

4 , बिल्ली का लड़ना 

5 , सपने में मिठाई खाते देखना 

6 , सपने में अपनी शादी देखना 

7 , सपने मे खुद को नए कपडे लेते हुए देखना 


अब हम जानते है 30 शुभ संकेतो के बारे मे 

1 , सफ़ेद गाय :अगर गौ माता घर के द्वार पर आकर बोलने लगे , रम्भाने लगे तो समझ लीजिए अच्छा समय आने वाला है 

2 , मधुर ध्वनियों का सुनाई देना : अगर आपको सुबह सुबह मंदिर की घंटी , शंख ,आरती की आवाज सुनाई दे 

३, नव विवाहित जोड़े का दिखाई देना 

4 , श्रीफल , यानि नारियल के दर्शन 

5 , पक्षी का आपके ऊपर बीट करना 

6 , यात्रा करते वक्त कुत्ते या बन्दर दिखे 

7 , बारिश  के बीच  सूरज का दिखाई देना 

8 , आपके घर का कोई सूखा पेड़ हरा हो जाना 

9 , कोयल या चहचाना 

10 , सुबह दही या दूध का दिख जाना 

11 , सपने में सफ़ेद या सुनहरा सांप दिखना 

12 , चमगादड़ , अगर आपके घर में घर बना ले 

13 , अगर कछुआ दिखाई देना 

14 , टूट ते तारे का दिखाई देना

15 , घर के द्वार पर हाथी का सूंड को ऊपर करना 

16 ,उलटे कपडे पहन लेना 

17 , घर से निकलते ही कुछ भूलने का याद आना 

18 , रास्ते में पड़ा कोई शिक्का , घोड़े की नाल , या चार पत्ती वाली घास मिले 

19 , कुत्ते का घर पर आकर रहना 

20 , मेंढक या तिढे का सौर

21 , सुबह सुबह गन्ने का दिखाई देना 

22 , घर की सीमा में मौर का आना , और उसका नाचना 

23 , समुद्र के किनारे मोती मिलना 

24 , झींगुर का सौर सुनाई देना 

25 , हाथ में खुजली होना 

26 , आपके घर पर गोरैया की आवाज सुनाई देना 

27 , आंख का पौधा 

28 , सफ़ेद कबूतर , अगर आपके घर में आकर बैठे 

29 , अगर आपको अचानक से रंग बिरंगी तितलियाँ देखने को मिले 

30 ,अगर आप घर से बहार निकल रहे हो और आपको किसी के हाथ में जल या दूध से भरा हुवा कोई बर्तन दिखाई दे  

अच्छा और बुरा समय आने से पहले मिलते है ये शंकेत , प्रकर्ति पहले ही बता देती है सब कुछ 

These doubts are met before good and bad times, nature already tells everything

In this post, you will know that when your good time is about to come, then nature gives you some signs by which you can know that your good time is about to start, before that it tells you some such signs which will tell you that you are bad times are about to begin,

1, If you want to feed something to cow, dog or fish, then they do not eat from your hand, this is the biggest sign of bad time to start.

2, Getting into an argument with a saint without any reason

3 , repeatedly sitting on the roof of the house

4 cat fight

5 Seeing eating sweets in dreams

6 , Seeing your marriage in the dream

7, Seeing yourself taking new clothes in the dream


Now we know about 30 auspicious signs

1, White Cow: If the mother cow comes to the door of the house and starts speaking, then understand that good times are about to come.

2, Hearing of sweet sounds: If you hear the sound of temple bell, conch, aarti early in the morning

3, Appearance of newly married couple

4, Shreefal, i.e. vision of coconut

5 , bird beat on you

6, Dogs or monkeys were seen while traveling

7 , the appearance of the sun in the midst of the rain

8. A dry tree in your house turns green.

9 , cuckoo or chirping

10. Appearance of curd or milk in the morning

11 Seeing a white or golden snake in a dream

12. Bats, if they make a home in your house

13 , if the turtle is visible

14. The appearance of a falling star

15 Raising the trunk of the elephant at the door of the house

16, wearing the wrong clothes

17, Remembering to forget something as soon as you leave the house

18, find any coin, horse shoe, or four leaf grass lying on the way

19, dog staying at home

20. Solar of the Frog or the Grasshopper

21, Seeing sugarcane in the morning

22. The arrival of the peacock in the boundary of the house, and its dance

23 Finding pearls on the seashore

24, Solar sounding of crickets

25. Itching in the hands

26, Hearing the sound of sparrow at your house

27 The plant of the eye

28. If a white pigeon comes and sits in your house

29, If you suddenly get to see colorful butterflies

30, If you are going out of the house and you see a vessel filled with water or milk in someone's hand,

These doubts are met before good and bad times, nature already tells everything


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