Defence news | international news | crude oil , nepal , amerika , un , 2000 Note , modi govt

India's 2 big 3 wheeler company, bajaj and tvs were shocked by Srilanka, now 5 lakh 3 wheelers run in sri lanka which are Indian, but now sri lanka wants to convert them into electric vahicle, this is a shock to India It will take and China will benefit, because Filal China is far ahead of India in terms of EV,  The world's major oil producing countries use carbon steel pipes for the transportaion of their oil and most of these countries are dependent on carbon steel pipes made in India, India ranks first in this matter, there is an Indian company which It is known by the name of man industries india ltd, it is the leading company in this export and in the last few months, orders worth more than 2300 crores have been received by this company.   India is again going to use one of its Brahmastra, we did the same thing in 2020 also, after the entry of covid in the year 2020, there was a worldwide lockdown and ban on vehicles and travel, due to which the prices of crude oil increased by 80 to 90%. There had been a decline till 2000, that's why India bought crude oil much cheaper at that time and reserved it in the oil reserve facility built here, today you can see its big impact on India's economy, Jha Duniya India's economy is crumbling, while India's economy is getting stronger, and learning from India, America has also started this work. Now the news is coming out that India is going to buy crude oil in a huge quantity, and America is also doing the same.  China has praised India and thanked the Government of India, why did it happen, we have been informing you for two days that a Chinese ship has sunk in the Indian Ocean, which was called by many countries to find it, but India is included in them. Was not there, but as soon as help was sought from India, India immediately helped and found that ship,  Friends, you all know that western countries never want India to make big progress and go ahead of them, whenever India is about to do something big then only these people start criticizing India, recently Joseph Borrell The one who is a spain politician said that India is buying oil from Russia and selling it to us non-western countries, for this action should be taken against it. On this, our s, Jaishankar Shahab gave a direct answer and said that before speaking, think about what you are saying, it is exactly the same way as you buy any goods from a shopkeeper and after buying that goods you happens, and crude oil is one of our important needs, which we will not stop buying by anyone's saying or banning,

 भारत की 2 बड़ी 3 wheeler company , bajaj और tvs को श्रीलंका ने दिया झटका , अभी हल फिलाल में 5 लाख 3 wheeler श्री लंका में चलते है जो भारतीय है , लेकिन अब श्री लंका इन्हे इलेक्ट्रिक vahicle में बदलना चाहता है , इससे भारत को झटका लगेगा और चीन को फायदा होगा , क्योकि फिलाल चीन ev के मामले में भारत से काफी आगे है , 

दुनिया के बड़े तेल निर्माता देश अपने oil के transportaion के लिए carbon steel के pipe का इस्तेमाल करता है और इनमे से ज्यादातर देश भारत के बने carbon steel pipe पर निर्भर है , भारत इस मामले में पहले स्थान पर है , भारत की एक कंपनी है जो man industries india ltd के नाम से जनि जाती है वो इस export मे अग्रणी कंपनी है और पिछले कुछ महीनो मे 2300 करोड़ से भी ज्यादा के order इस कंपनी को मिल चुके है , 

भारत फिर अपना एक ब्रह्मास्त्र इस्तेमाल करने जा रहा है यही काम हमने 2020 मे भी किया था , साल 2020 मे covid की एंट्री के बाद दुनिया भर मे lockdown और वाहनों , यात्राओं पर प्रतिबंद लगा दिया था जिससे कच्चे तेल की कीमतों मे 80 से 90 % तक की गिरावट आयी थी , यही पर भारत ने दिमाग लगते हुवे उस वक्त कच्चे तेल को हद से ज्यादा सस्ता खरीदा और अपने यहां बनी oil reserve facility मे reserve कर दिया , इसका बड़ा असर आज आप भारत की इकॉनमी पर देख सकते है , झा दुनिया की अर्थव्यवस्था चरमरा रही है व्ही भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था मजबूत होती जा रही है , और भारत से सीख लेते हुवे अमेरिका ने भी ये काम शुरू कर दिया है , 

अभी खबर निकल कर आ रही है की भारत एक बहुत बड़ी quantity मे कच्चा तेल खरीदने जा रहा है ,और ऐसा ही अमेरिका भी कर रहा है 

चीन ने भारत की तारीफ की है और भारत सर्कार को धन्यवाद दिया है , ऐसा क्यों हुवा हम आपको 2 दिनों से खबर दे रहे है की चीन का एक जहाज हिन्द महासागर मे डूब गया है जिसे खोजने के लिए पहले कई देश बुलाए लेकिन भारत उनमे शामिल नहीं था , लेकिन जैसे ही भारत से मदद मांगी गयी भारत ने तुरंत मदद दी और उस जहाज को खोज निकाला, 

दोस्तों आप सभी जानते है की पश्चिमी देश कभी नहीं चाहते की भारत आगे बड़े तरक्की करे और उनसे आगे निकले , जब भी भारत ऐसा कुछ बड़ा करने वाला होता है तभी ये लोग भारत की आलोचना करना शुरू कर देते है , अभी हाल ही मे जोसेफ बोररेल जोकि एक spain के राजनेता है उसने कहा की भारत रूस से oil खरीद कर हम अपश्चिमी देशो को बेच रहा है इसके लिए उस पर कारवाही होनी चाहिए , 

इस पर हमारे s , जयशंकर शाहब ने सीधा जवाब दिया और कह दिया की बोलने से पहले सोच लिया करे की क्या बोल रहे है , ये ठीक उसी तरह से है जैसा की आप एक दुकानदार से कोई सामान खरीदते है और खरीदने के बाद वो सामान आपको हो जाता है , और कच्चा तेल हमारी अहम जरूरतों मे से एक है जिसे हम किसी के कहने या किसी के प्रतिबंद लगाने से खरीदना बंद नहीं करेंगे , 

India's 2 big 3 wheeler company, bajaj and tvs were shocked by Srilanka, now 5 lakh 3 wheelers run in sri lanka which are Indian, but now sri lanka wants to convert them into electric vahicle, this is a shock to India It will take and China will benefit, because Filal China is far ahead of India in terms of EV,

The world's major oil producing countries use carbon steel pipes for the transportaion of their oil and most of these countries are dependent on carbon steel pipes made in India, India ranks first in this matter, there is an Indian company which It is known by the name of man industries india ltd, it is the leading company in this export and in the last few months, orders worth more than 2300 crores have been received by this company.

India is again going to use one of its Brahmastra, we did the same thing in 2020 also, after the entry of covid in the year 2020, there was a worldwide lockdown and ban on vehicles and travel, due to which the prices of crude oil increased by 80 to 90%. There had been a decline till 2000, that's why India bought crude oil much cheaper at that time and reserved it in the oil reserve facility built here, today you can see its big impact on India's economy, Jha Duniya India's economy is crumbling, while India's economy is getting stronger, and learning from India, America has also started this work.

Now the news is coming out that India is going to buy crude oil in a huge quantity, and America is also doing the same.

China has praised India and thanked the Government of India, why did it happen, we have been informing you for two days that a Chinese ship has sunk in the Indian Ocean, which was called by many countries to find it, but India is included in them. Was not there, but as soon as help was sought from India, India immediately helped and found that ship,

Friends, you all know that western countries never want India to make big progress and go ahead of them, whenever India is about to do something big then only these people start criticizing India, recently Joseph Borrell The one who is a spain politician said that India is buying oil from Russia and selling it to us non-western countries, for this action should be taken against it.

On this, our s, Jaishankar Shahab gave a direct answer and said that before speaking, think about what you are saying, it is exactly the same way as you buy any goods from a shopkeeper and after buying that goods you happens, and crude oil is one of our important needs, which we will not stop buying by anyone's saying or banning,


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